Screen Printing on Nylon | Everything You Need to Know

Screen printing comprises a wide variety of methods applicable to all forms of fabrics, including polyester, wood, denim and nylon. No doubt screen printing is clingy but not impossible to work on it. Screen printing on nylon is the most suitable printing process to get a beautiful, elegant look.

Quick Response
You can screen print nylon-made material like tracksuits, jackets, and waterproof stuff like bags, umbrellas, etc. if you are a skillful worker, screen printing nylon must be an enjoyable hobby, but for beginners, it may create some hurdles which you can come up with continuous practice in this field.

It needs very cheap material, which is non-toxic and easily handheld. Try the simple procedure of screen printing and wait for the amazing result.

Startup Guide

It refers to how to set the material and suitable temperature before you start screen printing on nylon especially. It is necessary because nylon material doesn’t withstand high temperatures.

There are different types of nylon, like satin, taffeta, and oxford nylon. Usually, a high temperature of up to 325 degrees is required for the ink to get bond with the fabric. At this temperature, nylon gets melted. 

So it is necessary to maintain the temperature at a lower level. I shall explain it in the coming part of the article.

The next important part is about mixing ink with a catalyst. Show a hurry to start the screen printing procedure as it thickens over time. Mixed ink can last for four hours.

Cleaning the screen is as necessary as other steps. Before and after use, for both conditions cleaning screen is mandatory. The reason for this cleanup is to remove the hardened ink over the mesh which sticks to the mesh of the screen.

It is recommended to take a patch test to check the working of the mesh screen and ink. 

Related: Cure screen printed shirt at home

Equipment Needed

The equipment supplies needed are listed below:

  • Screen printing squeegee
  • Aluminum frames
  • Screen printing mesh
  • Nylon catalyst

Screen Printing on Nylon (Step-by-Step Guide)

By following the below given steps, you will end up with the best results.

Choose Right Design

You can feel difficulty in selecting the most suitable and clear design according to the desire of your customer.

In the market, plenty of different versions are available, from which you can select which clicks you the most.

You can design it according to your own choice if you are preparing the project for yourself.  You can also get a transparent copy of the design from any shop. It is made up of 100 percent black color to be clear on the background.

Its purpose is to block the emulsion onto the screen allowing ink to pass and print the design onto the object.

Gather the Equipment for Setup

After selecting the design it’s time to gather and arrange the equipment. Take the object to be printed and lightly remove the wrinkles so that the print may not break. Clean the nylon bag or T-shirt so that the ink may rightly be absorbed.

Secondly, properly arrange the screen through which ink is passed to the fabric. Ink and squeegee are also should be placed properly.

Get the Right type of Nylon

Usually, two common types are available for designing; polyamide nylon and polyester nylon. Each one has its pros and cons. Screen printing workers are familiar with the type of nylon suitable for design.

Beginners can take guidance from them. Every project demands a different type of nylon for screen printing.

Wash the fabric, and dry it. Nylon is not a natural fabric that’s why traditional printing methods cannot give you desired results.

Prepare the Screen and Frame

Commercially prepared screen printers are becoming popular nowadays. Use the staple gun to fix the frame on the screen. When you place the fabric on the screen, it should be tightly stretched to avoid any wrinkles.

If you have already used the screen, clearly and thoroughly wash it to clean the clogged pores and remove ink residues.

Choose High-quality Ink

Professional workers know the importance of high quality for a durable and quality project.  As nylon fabric doesn’t adhere to it, so not all the inks work the same.

Be careful that the ink you select is specially designed for the accurate type of fabric.

Place Photo Emulsion on the Screen

Moving forward, you should mix the sensitizer with emulsion following the instructions provided by the manufacturer.  The emulsion should be applied to cover both sides of the screen; the substrate and inkwell.

Now spread the emulsion mixture on the screen starting from the substrate. A thin layer should be applied thoroughly and evenly to cover all the holes.

Start Printing with a high-quality Printer

When you have filled the screen with ink, place your nylon fabric on top of it. With the help of a squeegee, gently press the ink through the screen onto the fabric.  Once the design is printed, you can use a household iron to transfer the design to the fabric maintaining a moderate temperature.

Cover up the Printed Design

To maintain durability, you must cover and seal artwork for 48 to 72 hours.  To gain satisfactory results, use a clear coat of spray paint. It works as a protective layer and makes the project long-lasting.

How Screen Printing on Nylon is different from printing on other Fabrics?

Yes, screen printing on nylon is very much different from printing on other fabrics.  The reason is that nylon fabric is a synthetic one better known for its durability and strength, but along with this it is slippery and cannot be held tightly to be fixed.

Another reason it doesn’t absorb the ink easily which can deny quality color formation.

Is there a Special Ink for Screen printing Nylon?

It is crucial to use accurate ink for the specific type of nylon, as different types of nylon have different properties. Some special inks like heat-cured inks or sublimation inks are considered suitable for screen printing on nylon. Heat-cured inks are printed onto the fabric then a heat press is used to activate the ink.

Screen Printing vs. Digital Printing on Nylon

Screen printing and digital printing are two different methods of printing on nylon. Screen prints employ mesh screens to transfer the ink onto the fabric. It is suitable for printing large-quantity designs for commercial purposes. The mesh can be utilized again and again.

Digital printing on the other hand directly prints onto the fabric. You can reproduce photographic images with multiple colors.

How Long the Screen Print may Last on Nylon?

Screen-printed designs may last longer if you have used proper equipment with the best techniques. You just have to care by washing the clothes in cold water.

Refrain from ironing clothes at high temperatures, which can make the print last for several years.

Related: Remove screen print from clothes

Tips and Hacks

  • For clean, smooth prints, we need lower-micron screens. They make up the mesh on your screen. Ink passes easier, allowing you to press lightly.
  • Use liquid screen tape, which is a mesh blocker. You don’t need any local tape during the procedure. It saves a lot of your time.
  • Get a waterproof emulsion and squeeze on the emulsion screen.


Screen printing on nylon has many advantages. It gives long-lasting designs, prints large quantities of designs of the same appearance, and maintains its quality even after being washed several times. Proper care and handling can retain its quality as that of a new one.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to remove screen print on nylon?

Removing screen prints from nylon is a challenging task. There are some methods used to remove nylon. But all these methods may not work equally for all types of nylon. Using solvent and rubbing alcohol can help remove the ink.

What kind of ink do you use on nylon?

Nylon catalyst or specialty ink like 900 All-Pro Series ink. High temperature can cause melting of nylon blank so a catalyst is required. After adding the catalyst into plastisol ink nylon can be screen printed.

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